Tuesday, February 8, 2011

If you always drunk when travelling

Travelling would be nice if all goes well. However, for those of you who do not usually travelling long distances, should prepare the body to keep fit. What is often experienced is drunk while traveling. It can be solved with a few tips, including :

  1. Often look around the state street and landscapes.
  2. Bring enough food & beverage
  3. Often a breath of air
  4. Avoid consumption of foods that are greasy / fatty
  5. Avoid smells that will stimulate drunk
  6. If you already feel like throwing up should not be arrested, spit on the spot
  7. Consume fruits
  8. Provide plastic bags as a container, if already completed this puke should be discarded
  9. Outside the vehicle.
  10. Drinking a hangover.
  11. Get used to travel overland. The more frequent overland travel, the more immune to carsick

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